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At Lee and Company Orchids, you will find new additions to your growing orchid collection!

In Spike/Bud Orchids


Experience the excitement of anticipation with our exclusive “In Spike/Bud Orchids” special!

Your orchid is at the perfect stage of growth and just beginning to bloom, revealing its stunning flowers right before your eyes.


The selection includes a variety of orchid species, each chosen for their vibrant colors, unique shapes, and exquisite beauty. Whether you’re adding to your collection or gifting a loved one, these orchids are sure to impress. Watch as your orchid transforms, offering you the full experience of nature’s beauty.


Don’t miss out on our “In Spike/Bud Orchids Special.”

Order a stunning orchid ready to bloom! 

New Arrivals

Collectors' Corner

We work with Mother Nature to deliver only the highest quality orchids to your or your recipient's doorstep.

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We are celebrating 37 years of growing orchids for orchid lovers Coast To Coast. We thank you for your patronage!

As a large-scale orchid grower company, our philosophy has always been to deliver the type of orchid flowers we want to receive ourselves.

Paphiopedilum Orchids